
Showing posts from February, 2021

Holding Hope

There is no easy way to receive news of loss nor convey it. It could feel like a jab at your heart when the loss hits closer.  When my father's brother died,  the news was shocking,  unexpected, (not that anyone expects anyone to die, unless of course circumstances of age and grave illness are at play) and painful for me. My hands went to my chest as if to console my heart. This uncle was the easy-to-flow-with type,  always with a smile to give and a positive vibe around him. With the covid-19 situation from last year and years of not being in touch with him because he was occupied with work - always travelling, I heard - I had not seen him or spoken to him in ages. I just felt he was too young to die. But who is death ever giving prior notice to?  I scribbled what I felt, how I felt about such a man bringing his life journey to an end. I titled it Holding Hope. My faith makes me look at death as no end,  only a start of a more peaceful life than life on earth could ever give. Shal