
Showing posts from July, 2019

Are You Doing What You Love?

Hello, I have been blessed to meet a few people who do what they are passionate about. Whenever the topic of followng passion is mentioned, people immediately think of the arts - music, dance, acting, painting. As though they are the only things that require passion. Mind you I have met a few people that are passionate about banking, law, engineering or medicine. Unfortunately in my part of the world, it's not reputable, lucrative, honourable to say, "I'm passionate about acting or painting and I want to do it as a career". You are likely to get a family meeting all for you. Sadly,  however, there are many who are in the supposed"reputable" careers that don't have any love for it. They have become square pegs in round holes. And they are usually the problems we have in those institutions. People in politics who don't have love for governance. People in the classroom who have no passion for teaching or impacting. People in the hospitals who have n