
Showing posts from 2019

REVIEW of Kofi Kinaata’s Things Fall Apart.

"ƐKA WƆ SE ANOINTED M'ƐNN- TOUCH " By Amu Mawutoh  Edited by Kobina Hagan. 24th November, 2019. Review of Kofi Kinaata’s Things Fall Apart In October, 2019, a month ago, the Things Fall Apart writer and singer, Kofi Kinaata (formally called Martin King Arthur) released his song that took to the music industry and caused a stir online and on the airwaves. Ghanaians on Twitter reacted to the song by tweeting their opinions of the song – some quoting their favorite lines of the song and many more hailing him for the message of the song. The Western Regional award winning song-writer and singer came to the limelight when he featured on Castro’s Odo Pa (2013). Two years later, he collaborated with Donzy and released The Crusade (2015). He is also known for hits like Susuka (2015), Sweetie Pie (2016), Confession (2017), Time No Dey (2017), and very recently, Things Fall Apart. Kofi Kinaata, is a Highlife/Hiplife musician who comes from a Christian home in Takoradi. Born into a

Death is a F*ckin Blessing

How can death be a blessing?  I haven't written in a while. But the news stopped me in my tracks. I'm sad, I'm angry and yet I'm grateful. So this was the one way I could express the emotions after some tears.  This is a perspective. My perspective.

#AmuThoughts - Grateful

There are so many of us out there that have not seen the blessings around and in us because in our eyes, they are little, mundane and normal. The family you belong to , the job you have, the good friends and even the bad ones, the going out and coming in this year, the safe travels, the gift you have, the people that look up to you, the lessons you've learnt through the tough times... Need I go on?  Take a deep breath, and really really look ... Do you still think you are so unblessed? Do you still think your life is so unfair? You've heard it said many times and still I wish to remind you that you may not be where you are,  (and I have discovered that no human is satisfied with one level of victory or achievement) but you've surely come far. Maybe to you it's not far enough but still you'vecome from your starting point. Know this, and celebrate your "little" victories. Have. More thankful heart and life won't seem so gloom to you.  A than

Are You Doing What You Love?

Hello, I have been blessed to meet a few people who do what they are passionate about. Whenever the topic of followng passion is mentioned, people immediately think of the arts - music, dance, acting, painting. As though they are the only things that require passion. Mind you I have met a few people that are passionate about banking, law, engineering or medicine. Unfortunately in my part of the world, it's not reputable, lucrative, honourable to say, "I'm passionate about acting or painting and I want to do it as a career". You are likely to get a family meeting all for you. Sadly,  however, there are many who are in the supposed"reputable" careers that don't have any love for it. They have become square pegs in round holes. And they are usually the problems we have in those institutions. People in politics who don't have love for governance. People in the classroom who have no passion for teaching or impacting. People in the hospitals who have n

A Piece of Ghana - Eye 1

Lapaz, 31st May,  2019. 8:12am I lift my head from my phone to realise we are at Nii Boi Junction. I will alight at Las Palmas -the next junction - where I can pick up a Chantan bus to work. I close the word document and lock the screen of my phone only to realise I didn't take note of the page I was reading. Clearly this novel won't be done with at this rate. I have been trying to finish it for months now. I petition my mind to remember that I have read past chapter four. 'Obviously this unpublished book has become my troski read', I say to myself.  The mate gets back on the troski and starts calling, ' will go?  Come come...'. He hits the side of the bus and the driver stops. The passenger does not show up and he hits the bus again, 'Let's go ... Awoshie ...Awoshie'.  Driver drives slowly while the mate calls for anyone who will join this slow moving bus. These people are against me!! Today, I'm in a hurry. I nee