
Showing posts from July, 2018

My Love Letter to THE PRESIDENT

Dear Mr. President, Help! I'm on the verge of cheating on my wife. I only met this other lady two days ago and yet she has provoked me to consider breaking my vows to my wife of 27 years. Sir, this new lady is called Kigali. She has caused me so much unrest, since I first set eyes on her, with the feeling she stirs in my heart. I had promised to love my wife to the end but I don't know what to do with these new feelings. Kigali plays with my heart like the keys in Timi Dakolo's song, Medince .      I should know better -  Papa told me to never look at another man's wife more than twice -  but here I sit looking at Kigali's pictures for the 100th time in two days. And guess what? I want more! I think of the horror Kigali went through 24 years ago and I look at her beauty today and my heart smiles with so much hope. And then I think of my wife and I get so angry it makes me tremble. Mr. President, please tell my love, I was but a boy when I resolved to love

Talk is Cheap

July 4, 2018.  Dear Mr. President, With regard to recent happenings; from the flood that broke our hearts by taking our Dr. Aya to the shocking loss of our Vice President, I have decided to stop talking or asking "what is wrong with us?" Now I'm asking "what can I/we do?"  I cannot wait for government. The government shouldn't be telling us not to drop the water sachets on the streets. Every time I walk/drive through Lapaz and its environs, I'm ashamed at the filth that sits comfortably on the streets and sidewalks and shocked at the lack of concern shown by the citizens who eke out a living on the streets of Lapaz.  One Monday, I saw a truck collecting a heap of rubbish from the pavements. And to my shock, just a day later, at the same place, I saw another heap of rubbish! There is absolutely no sense of responsibility. I have come to the sad conclusion that we have no LOVE and RESPECT for our own selves - that is what's wrong with us