
Showing posts from 2015


From Basel mission to P-SICE, much has occurred that I have not had the privilege to witness nor to experience in the years that I have been a member of the Presbyterian Church since 2006 when I first joined the Junior Youth (JY) fellowship. Fortunately, one can glean some information from the web and that is how I have come to gain some knowledge of the history of the Basel mission. And though I feel so unconnected to the people that played some role, major or minor, to the formation and success of the Basel Mission Society and pioneered the work of missions in the world, I cannot help but admire their faithfulness and courage. Their boldness and faith in God to the point of abandoning their homes for the sake of spreading the word of God is truly remarkable and inspiring. According to Basel chronicles, the society was a venture to train missionaries for the colonial fields and prospective territories of the protestant colonial powers. The chroniclers stipulate that the purpose, timi

Poem- To What Remains.

To What Remains On this same path many treaded, Whereon we are quickly headed. Whether they be great or small A part of them hang on the wall. And we on this earth May many vision birth; Whether they grow or not Who can but break the nut? The fire shall reveal the works And nothing may stand but wrecks. If they be not put asunder Tis credit to the wise builder. For with envy men shall so stain the name And with it quench your holy fame. The wind may carry along your deed But your footprints will remain indeed. ©Amu Mawutoh. 2011

To the Memory of B.E.C.E (part2)

First of, I thank everyone and anyone who took time to read and comment on the article "To the Memory of B.E.C.E".  The varied comments and criticisms were enlightening. While some could relate with my experience, some gave me a critical analysis with regard to semantics, punctuation, syntax and all the elements that only a professor of English could explore in a write-up. Others spoke on the aesthetic features and confessed they enjoyed the reading so much that they had wanted more. A friend even took a quarrel with me because according to him, I left him hanging. He wanted to know what happened especially to the pregnant girl. ( well my friend, she gave birth to a baby. I'm sure it was either a boy or a girl. Lol. And they lived however best they could ever after). In whatever package your comments came, I appreciate it. Let me state here, before I get onto the concern for which I came here to write, that I did not intentionally end on the pregnant girl to the effect t

To the Memory of B.E.C.E

Until I entered KNUST, my favourite school life was during Junior High School. I feel most blessed during my tertiary education but it's my JHS I still recall with fondness. What made me enjoy JHS was the education aspect ( and yes, I know we all went to JHS to be educated) But think about it, how many did come for education alone? We were not there to be just "schooled" . We got a lot of that back home. We came as well for the making of friends, for spiritual growth and to see the world we didn't know through the foolish eyes of these friends. Well, some came for friends that were more than "friends" but those attachments didn't last for a year! Oh the things we did and saw but that's story for another article. Btw, with regard to what makes my JHS times the best, I was part of a year group that had a bunch of ambitious kids. We knew what the word COMPETITION meant and lived it fully. The whole year group was divided into A and B so from the onset

If you want some Respect!

" F rom Where I come, you are Respected because of your wealth, your foolishness is tolerated and your ego is overlooked" Such was my conclusion one Saturday morning when I saw a man treated as a bother, a lice, an unwanted boil, by members of his family because he had no job and obviously contributed nothing to the family's status. He wasn't always like that. I remember him driving to work every day. Sometimes I saw him in his Mercedes Benz with some of these family members seated at the back like queens to funerals held in their hometown, Where I can imagine them walk by his side with pride. Their brother who owns a flashy and expensive car. But the sun didnt always shine for him and it didn't rain for him forever : the Harmattan (dry season) came. Indeed,  from the horse's own lips I heard how he was laid off when their company was sold out. And his life came to this point. I wondered (but dared not ask) if he could really do nothing about his situation


Hi reader, You may have chanced on this blog or may have been directed by someone who chanced upon it. Well, however you came to this place, all that matters is that you did and how glad I am that you did. Today , June 12 2015, I finally create this blog. It means a lot to me. And I pray it grows as I do, into something beautiful. I welcome you and myself on behalf of myself to "". Welcome to  FROM WHERE I COME. I will leave you with this quote : "To end the world's problems we need have only two rules; the first is to consider GOD first. The second is to consider the first rule first" ~ Amu Mawutoh. Catch you later.